NCRTF 2024 Registration
Registration Instructions
Watch Registration Tutorial HERE.
2) Click on "CREATE ACCOUNT" in the top right of the screen (or log in if you already
have an account from a previous year)
Follow the prompts to create your account.
You will then land on the home page where you will see classes, residencies,
and events available.
3) To register, FIRST you must purchase the first “class” at the top left of
the screen that says “Everyone Must Purchase This First”
Follow the steps to register, read and accept our terms and conditions as
well as our cancellation policy, and enter your credit card information.
4) Click “Purchase Another” in order to purchase and select your classes.
5) You’ll be back at the home page with all classpacks, classes, and events listed.
To sign up for the waitlist for a full class:
You do not have to buy a classpack for a closed class.
Go to the homepage on the registration site and scroll down past the classpacks to the class you would like to join the waitlist for.
Click “Purchase” for the class. You will be taken to a page with the option to click “Add to Waitlist.”
Click on the “add to waitlist” button and enter the requested information. You will be added to the waitlist without having to pay for the class.
***If a spot opens in the class, we will notify you of the opportunity to register for the class. You will have 48 hours to complete and pay for the registration. If you don’t register in 48 hours, we will move to the next person on the waitlist.***
To register for Michelle Dorrance's Total Beginner Class:
To register for Events: (all lunch seminars and the application fee for the Student Showcase)
Click “Purchase” on the tile with the Event you wish to purchase
Click “Add” and select 1 to add yourself
Check the box to confirm your name
Click “Proceed”
Accept the Terms of Service and Cancellation Policy
Click “Proceed”
If you want to register for classes, click “Purchase Another”
To register for classes:
FIRST, consult the schedule. Once you have decided which classes you want to take, you will use that information to select and purchase the classes on our registration site.
Select the classpack for how many classes (**not including Dianne Walker’s Residency or any events) you want to take
For example, if you want to take 7 classes over the course of the weekend, you would select the 7 Class Classpack
Click “Purchase” on the correct classpack and click “Proceed”
Accept the Terms of Service again and click “Proceed”
You will see a vertical list of all classes available
Click on a class to highlight it- the details of that class (day, time, and number of spots left in the class) will appear on the right.
Check the box at the end of the class description to confirm that you want to enroll in that class
DO NOT CLICK “PURCHASE” YET if you want to choose more classes
Simply scroll down the list and highlight the next class you want
Click it, and check the box to the right of the details on the right to confirm
You can click on “Show Selected Schedules” on the bottom left, under the list of classes, to see what you’ve selected so far. You can also see how many class credits you’ve spent and how many you have remaining. When you have selected all of your classes, click “Purchase” on the bottom right.
If you do not want to select all of your classes at this time, you may come back later to finish, but be aware that many classes do fill quickly.
To return to this section later to spend remaining credits, simply log in to your account and click “Profile” from the drop down menu under your name in the top right of the screen.
Click on “Subscriptions” under your name on the left.
You’ll see the classpack with the remaining credits on the screen.
Click “Book Class” and you will be on the screen with the list of classes to select.
Follow the steps above to select the remainder of your classes.
If you need any help, contact us at We’re happy to assist!
Just observing?
Observers are not required to pay a registration fee, but must still register FIRST using the "Observers Only" registration. Registration instructions are the same as the instructions above.
Use the code: OBSERVEONLY when purchasing Observers Only registration for free registration for Observers.
Purchase the "Observers Only Classpack" with the number of classes you would like.
Select the specific classes you wish to observe.
**Please keep in mind the code does not apply if you are taking any other classes, regular registration is then still required. The Observation Only tickets do not include t-shirts. All classes have up to 8 observer spots, with the exception of Dianne Walker's residency, History Talk, and Adam Price's music classes.