Festival Events
Aside from the incredible classes happening ALL weekend,
here are some other events to mark on your calendar!
June 12
Festival Kick-Off Celebration!
7:00pm - 9:00pm (location to be announced)
Join us to kick-off the festival with a jazz band and jam (open to any instrument or tap dancer) and mingling with fellow festival participants and faculty. This event is family friendly and open to the public! It's FREE to attend! Location to be announced.
June 13
Emerging Choreographers Showcase!
6:30pm at the Ballet School of Chapel Hill
Apply to have your choreography featured in the NC Rhythm Tap Festival's Emerging Choreographers Showcase. The goal of this showcase is to encourage our students to create their own choreography to be shared, and receive feedback from our esteemed faculty panel. Alternatively, applicants can set a piece of choreography on another individual/small group. The choreographer must be present at the showcase in order to receive feedback.
Please see the form below and be sure to read all requirements.
10 pieces will be selected to present to our faculty panel. When considering your work we are looking at the choreography, technique, and concept.
Applications are due May 10th, 2025. They will be reviewed and choreographers will be announced May 17th, 2025.